Tales from the Midway – Shannon Brinkman, Bryce Lankard and Jonathan Traviesa
The Big Top
1638 Clio St
New Orleans, LA 70130
Thu+Fri 2-6, Sat 12-5 and by appt
Exhibition Dates:
Dec 5 -31, 2009
Saturday Dec 5, 6-9pm
“Tales of the Midway”
The title of Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s book of poems, “A Coney Island of the Mind”, takes on new meaning as that famous amusement park in Brooklyn is demolished. Three photographers, Bryce Lankard, Shannon Brinkman, and Jonathan Traviesa, exhibit images of that park and other boardwalks and midways that capture the feeling of the lost days of summer and the disappearing slice of americana that fades along with it.
Please join us for the PhotoNOLA Kickoff Party featuring D.J. Brice Nice immediately following the opening. Saturday, Dec 5, 9-12pm at The Big Top.
There will also be a panel discussion with the three featured photographers on Sunday, Dec 6, 5:30-7pm.