PhotoNOLA Education Day Seminar:
Thursday, December 4, 2014
International House Hotel Conference Facility
Registration: $40 in advance / $50 at the door
Advance registration available here
During this three-part, half-day seminar, participants will gain valuable perspectives on the diverse possibilities for photographers today, and how to make the most of opportunities to present their work to key decision makers in today’s multiple marketplace.
Part 1, 8:30am – 10:00am
Understanding The Value of Your Work in Multiple Markets
The morning begins with a special presentation by Mary Virginia Swanson who will help artists understand business relationships when sharing their work with arts professionals in who can acquire, exhibit, publish and license their images.
About the presenter:
Mary Virginia Swanson is an author, educator and advisor to artists and arts organizations whose career includes exhibiting, collecting and licensing photography. Her publications, articles, workshops and blog are invaluable resources on marketing opportunities for photographers that can be found at www.mvswanson.com.
Part 2, 10:00am – 10:30am
Renowned artist RICHARD SEXTON shares his experiences placing his work in multiple marketplaces that include limited edition print sales through galleries, editorial and corporate commissions, licensing images and publication of 12 books in the past 25 years.
(BREAK on site 10:30am – 10:45am)
Part 3, 10:45am – 1:00pm
Meet the Industry Professionals
A panel discussion moderated by Mary Virginia Swanson
This panel includes six arts professionals who work with photographs in multiple markets. Each panelist will provide participants with insights into how they work with photographers within their gallery, collection, art programs, magazine or publishing program, provide a window into that business relationship and how artists can make the best first impression that will lead to a mutually rewarding relationship. A moderated Q&A session will follow the panelist’s presentations.
1) Museum Curator: Mazie Harris, J. Paul Getty Museum
2) Gallery Director: Steven Harris, M97 Gallery, Shanghai, China
3) Magazine Editor: Molly Roberts, Smithsonian Magazine
4) Art Consultant: Kate Anderson, Senior Art Consultant, Boston Art, Inc
5) Traveling Exhibition Service: Kathy Dowell, Exhibits USA
6) Publisher: Dewi Lewis, Dewi Lewis Publishing, Stockport, England
$40 advance registration will be available online through December 3, 2014 at 5pm or until all space has sold out.