Preservation Hall at Fifty: Celebrating Jazz
Featuring photographs by Shannon Brinkman
November 4, 2011- November 3, 2012
Opening Gala: November 4th, 2011, 8pm-midnight, gala tickets $50
Old U.S. Mint, Louisiana State Museum
400 Esplanade Ave
New Orleans, LA 70116
504-568-6968 | 1-800-568-6968
Hours: Tues-Sun 10-4:30
Museum admission: $6
Preservation Hall is celebrating its 50th year anniversary with an exhibition at the Old U.S. Mint Museum. Featured in this exhibit are 60 medium format film photos by Shannon Brinkman, made between 2002~2011. Many have never before been shown in a public venue. LSU Press published a book on her work, ‘Preservation Hall’, in 2011.
The show also includes vintage images and memorabilia and wonderful audio and written quotes from the Preservation Hall Jazz band members. Eve Abrams, heard on NPR, and co-author of ‘Preservation Hall’ pulled inspiring quotes and audio from interviews she made with the musicians between 2008-2010.
The exhibition will launch with a Gala on November 4, 2011.
Shannon Brinkman has led a duel life with over 20 years as a working photographer spent between sport horse photography covering events such as the Olympics, Pan Ams, World Equestrian Championships, as well as an award-winning art photography career. She has resided in New Orleans since 1997. ”