Inside-Looking-Outside-Looking-In. Sacred Word and Vision
Featuring Meg Hewitt, Sarrah Danziger and Raymond Jackson
December 1, 2018 – March 2019
Opening: Saturday, Dec 8, 6-9pm
Artist Talk: TBA
The Tigermen Den presents:
Sacred Word and Vision
Imagery by:
Meg Hewitt (Australia)
Sarrah Danziger (New Orleans)
Poetry by:
Raymond Jackson
Musical Liturgy by:
Leesaw Andaloro,

Through the crafted lens and precise pinhole of aperture and shutter, light etches an impression of place, of such-ness and the poetry of soul. Here, where the beauty and magic and pain have left their indelible trace on this unique and wildly creative community, even in the midst of the erosionary forces of gentrification and land-loss and the commodification of culture, we commit to an incredible journey of growing the soul and true freedom and living life for everything its worth. To the awake and open heart, this journey is visible. These hearts are instantly a part of this community, whether they set down roots here or are just passing through, for they are citizens of the country of soul. Some of us have taken to documenting this journey, because we feel that this expression of self indicates something ineffable and indispensable to the quandary of being human that moves us beyond our current crisis and into the stars.
Witness here three open hearts triangulating the coordinates of this journey, honoring the pilgrims on this path, inviting you to sojourn with them on their vision quest that never leaves this bend of the river yet carries them across the yawning void. In photos that are poems unto themselves, in verse that illuminates the transubstantiation of our bodies and the flesh of our city these artists share with you an intimate view of downriver New Orleans. The magic is still alive here. You can see it.
” it’s this river city that scores and shapes
by her hardship and tender mercy
it’s the ghosts who keep pouring in
through that hole in the levee
it holds us to the pilgrim journey
on this hard turn of the mississippi
at the end of the civilized world”
from “clock the setting sun”
Raymond Jackson
A Celebration Party is planned for January 26th, from 6-9:30pm, with Live Music, Spoken Word by Raymond Jackson, Food Pop up by South of Eden.