Everyday Photography is a workshop that encourages you to exercise your creativity anytime and anywhere. Whether you’re at home, running errands, or casually out and about, you’ll discover how to see the beauty in the ordinary and mundane. By developing an eye for light and shadow, line and shape, color and gesture, you will discover images in the most familiar and unexpected places and understand how to craft them into great compositions.
This workshop is brought to you by FUJIFILM North America, Nobechi Creative and PhotoNOLA.
Nobechi Creative is proud to exclusively present online workshops and seminars for PhotoNOLA 2020, the 15th annual celebration of photography in New Orleans, Louisiana. This year’s event is going partially virtual and we are here to produce the online programming streaming into your home.
All proceeds from the workshops and seminars go to the New Orleans Photo Alliance and PhotoNOLA Festival, and after caring for our esteemed instructors and presenters, the funds will be used to support further programming in Louisiana and the Gulf States region.
This workshop will be conducted on Zoom from 3:00PM-5:30PM CST (1PM PST/2PM MST/4PM EST)
Limited to approximately 20 participants.
Regular: $175
Existing NOPA Members: $150. Select $175 option, then apply members’ discount code at checkout.* Please write to president@neworleansphotoalliance.com to receive the code.
Ibarionex Perello is a photographer, writer and educator with over 25 years of experience in the photographic industry. He is a Fujifilm X-Photographer brand ambassador. For the last 13 years, he has also been the host of the top-rated podcast The Candid Frame which features conversations with the world’s best established and emerging photographers.
For US residents only: registration for this course makes you eligible for entry into a contest to win a FUJIFILM X100V camera courtesy of FUJIFILM North America Corp. Please carefully read the terms and conditions in the opt-in menu during the checkout process.