NewsPhoto Stories: The Complement of Print and Online
Louisiana State Museum Old US Mint
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Free and open to the public
Rick Shaw, Director of Pictures of the Year International (POYi) will speak about POYi and present an illustrated talk examining the ways in which several recent news stories were covered in print and on the web. After that, he will lead a gallery tour of the Visions of Excellence show.
The presentation examines three recent projects produced by regional daily newspapers, and how the photographs for each project were display both in print and on the websites.
Local newspapers have a tradition of providing their readers with great photographs that reflect the character and spirit of the community they serve. Today, newspaper photographers are harnessing the broad reach of electronic platforms to supplement the traditional print product. And when contrasting photography that is presented online and those in print, reader may see things differently. Reviewing three major photography projects, the discussion on Saturday will contrast whether the same photographs can have different interpretations between online and print presentations.