Piano Farm: Lori Vrba
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Opening: Sunday, Dec 5, 7-9pm
Louise Arsene Vitry House
2003 Dumaine Street
New Orleans, LA 70116
504- 275-9845
This one-night only show will feature the tender, haunting and emotionally evocative works of Chapel Hill-based photographer, Lori Vrba. Curated by Edward Hebert, this event will mark the debut of “Piano Farm”, Vrba’s most recent collection. “Piano Farm” speaks to the connection between an artist and a place of endless creative possibility. Join us for a night of New Orleans style cocktails, music and art in the historic Louise Arsene Vitry House.
The Louise Arsene Vitry house was built in 1855 for free woman of color, Louise Arsene Vitry, her consort, Archille Barthelmy Courcelle, and their 5 children. Louise Vitry was sued for possession of the house in 1858 and in a case that went all the way to the Louisiana State Supreme Court, she won final control of the house in 1860.