Thank you for filling out the PhotoNOLA Virtual Program form. We have partnered with Abdul Aziz and Metaculture to produce a cohesive online festival of photo programming for PhotoNOLA. Our tech team will be helping support virtual programming with exhibition spaces (like yours) to help streamline the experience.
The program is supported by sponsors and festival pass sales ($40, $25 to NOPA members). The virtual pass will include artist and curator talks, Swanee’s social media talk, programs and live openings. If you would like to include a program in the festival pass line-up, please fill out this form so we may list and coordinate.
We also have the opportunity to show work in a 3D virtual reality space thanks to our partners at Metaculture. If you would like your venue to be included in VR (3D very cool!), please upload up to 10 exhibition photos. All 10 may not be included. Fair warning: This is coming together with not much time so there is the chance we will have to table the VR exhibitions for next year.
Please complete this form so we may add your program to the PhotoNOLA listings and Festival Pass line-up.
And feel free to email me with any questions.
Very Best,
Lisa Cates