The deadline for inclusion in this year’s PhotoNOLA festival guide is August 1, 2011. Showcasing work by photographers near and far, exhibitions will be on display the entire month of December with festival events being planned for December 8-11, 2011.
In order for us to best promote your photo related exhibition before and during PhotoNOLA, please fill out our exhibitions listings questionnaire as thoroughly as possible and send us a few low res jpegs of images that will be in the show. Keep in mind the survey must be submitted all at once, so we suggest having the required information ready before starting to fill it out.

Inclusion in the festival guide (online and in print) is free, though we would be grateful for donations to help cover the costs of promotion.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Exhibitions Coordinators:
Andrea Caldwell (, 504-975-4002) or
Veronica Hartowicz (