If you did not get a chance to view On Location at HomeSpace Gallery during PhotoNOLA, the exhibition will be traveling to the Ogden.
Opening Thursday, January 13th (along with a Birney Imes exhibit!) at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art:
On Location: Southern Portraits
An exhibition of photographic portraits set in public spaces, or in the private spaces of the subject. These photographs emphasize a more intuitive approach to portraiture, free of the formal constraints of the studio. They convey the relationships between photographer, subject, and a setting constantly in flux, to construct a sense of place and time, unique to each image.
Featuring: David Halliday, Meghan McInnis, Will Steacy, Kevin Kline and Mark Steinmetz.
Curated by Richard McCabe.
Ogden Museum of Southern Art
925 Camp St.
New Orleans, LA 70130
Hours: Wed-Sun 10am-5pm; Thur 6-8pm