Curated by Frank Relle
Octavia Art Gallery
December 1 – December 29, 2012
‘Contemporary Antiques’ will include traditional and alternative process photographs shown alongside camera phone images. The show’s primary subject is how contemporary photographers represent Louisiana with visual references to the past. Secondly, the show will consider photographs as an object removed from the digital screen.
Accepting entries for two categories: camera phone photographs and/or traditional and alternative process framed photographs.
1) Camera Phone Photographs:
Submit your best photographs of Louisiana for review by hashtagging photos to instagram #louisianagallery. After hashtagging photographs, please fill out the submission and release form and email to emily@octaviaartgallery.com
Submission and Release form link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W6wldArYTYMaVfbP6sV9F99rWn337df6Sq7cjS6JzN0/edit?pli=1
2) Traditional/Alternative Process Framed Photographs:
We are specifically interested in images from Louisiana shot in Black and White or utilizing an alternative process. Please send up to 10 jpegs sized at 72dpi to frank@frankrelle.com if you would like to be considered. If your work is selected for the show the gallery will send you a contract.