Each year the 3 Ring Circus Arts Education Center – THE BIG TOP participates in PhotoNOLA. This year they will sharpen focus on the technological marriage of cameras and phones while also exploring the communication concept behind the social networking site, Twitter.
@PHONOGRAPHY is an open call show exploring impromptu visions captured via phone cameras. Approximately 300 images will be accepted on a first come first served basis to show from December 2nd to December 31st, 2011. Deadline for entries is October 29th, 2011 at midnight.

The readiness of a camera in most everyone’s hands has made capturing moments seem second nature to us these days. The advent of social networking has allowed us to share these moments with our friends and others in a momentary flash, instantly uploading memories and records of our daily lives. Some of these photos are quite remarkable. Yet their instantaneous nature is forever caught and lost in the web of Internet albums and share sites. By printing and framing these temporary images, we encapsulate, for a moment, daily images that reflect our common and uncommon experiences. We are also interested in the now. Twitter is a networking site that has greatly impacted our world through instantaneous information dissemination. By randomly combining tweets (definition: a 140 character fragment of a global conversation) with photography shot via phones, we aim to discover the state of art and dialogue in the 21st century. Will the exhibit reveal these conversations and images to be a cohesive communal thread? Or will the exhibit serve to underline the state of self-referential static that we constantly experience in this age of broadband?
Submission Details:
A 300 dpi image is to be submitted via email along with application form. Applicants will also be required to submit the text of 3 randomly selected tweets along with their image file. The tweets do not have to have any relevance to the subject matter of the submitted image, as they will be picked at random to accompany images. Entry fee of $25 per image covers printing, matting, framing and hanging costs of image. Each piece will be for sale to the public for $50 with 50% of the proceeds benefiting 3 Ring Circus Arts Education Center.
More info & application guidelines: www.3rcp.com
Entry Deadline: October 29th, 2011 at midnight